Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Case Study Analysis & Teamwork Reflection-

Question: Discuss about theCase Study Analysis Teamwork Reflection. Answer: Coca-Cola is an American based company with its headquarters in Atlanta, Gorgias, and United States of America. It is the world largest manufacture, retailer, and marketer of soft drinks. Coca-Cola produces more than 3500 drinks with 500 brands ranging from soft drinks to energy drinks. Coca Cola products includes minute maid, Fanta, Coca-Cola zeros among others. The company was established in 1886 by John Permberton. Coca-Cola products are known in all part of the world. The company supplies its drinks in more than 200 countries in the world where it has established distribution points (Costa, Passos, Bakker, 2014). Coca-Cola has been changing its theme from the time of its foundation to date. 1n 1886, the year of its foundation, Coca-Cola had the theme Delightful summer or winter drink this was the founding theme. 1940s the theme changed to where there is Coke there is happiness this theme took the product into the outside world. In 1950s the slogan was There is nothing like Coke this led to the creation of new logo. In 1960 the company introduced the slogan Its real thing. In 1980 the slogan coke it is and Catch the wave ware introduced. In 1993 the theme changed into Always Coca-Cola. In 2009 the theme latter changed into Open happiness the slogan featured in 2010 winter Olympic Games followed by Expedition 206 a social media extension (Kant, Jacks, Aantjes, 2008). the themes over the period of time are related and focused towards achieving the vision and the mission of the company. The purpose of mission statement of large company such as Coca-Cola is to describe the organizational goal and direct the behavior of its employees as it also acts as their inspiration. The Coca-Cola Company has three mission statements as follows; 1) To Fresh the world. In most places of the world people take the drink for refreshment, hence the company has been able to achieve this mission. 2) To inspire moments of optimism and happiness. The drinks are mostly shared during the happy moments. 3) To create value and market difference. The Coca-Cola products available in the market are of high value. This makes them distinct from other soft drinks in the market (Kaplan, and Haenlein, 2010). These statements have been achievable and measurable. In 1980s there were many top companies. To mention just a small number; Exxon mobile, Ford Motors, Gulf Oil, ITT industries, U.S. Steel, BP America, CBS, 3M, ARMCO and Tyerson Till. 3M Company has a mission, To improve every life through Innovative giving in Education, Community, and environment (Koller, Goedhart, Wessels, 2010). ARMCO mission is to create steel products and services that suppress our customer need today and for the future. Ford Motors mission is, People working together as a lean, global enterprise for automotive leadership. These companies mission statement has a relation to the Coca-Cola five Ps mission which is People, Portfolio, Planet, Profit, and Productivity. The main aim of each company is making the world a better place for humanity. Coca-Cola and other leading companies of 1980s focus on the quality of their product and satisfaction of the consumers of their products and services. Coca-Cola Company places its consideration top priorities on the customer. T he company aims at making the society a better place by creating a healthy and sustainable organization through positive contribution to the territory (Ladas et al., 2013). Though the company produces the largest amount of solid waste, it has laid down the strategies aiming at 100 percent recycling of the waste in corporation with the U.S.A. local government. In Australia, Coca-Cola bottles are disposed inappropriately that has raised the government concerns and proposed to 10 percent recycling levy (Finn, Currie, Martin, 2010). This has been challenged by the company by its claim that the company has laid down strategies to account for its bottle disposed as waste products. This has created a good relationship between the company and the government. The Coca-Cola Company gives back to the community by donating 1.2 percent of its operating profit to the society focusing towards making the society a better place. The company gives support to Latin America Recyclers, Donates flyer point to sick children and sick families to be transported to the health points (Albert, Werhane, Rolph, 2014). This aspect of giving back to the community has seen Coca-Cola rise above other producing, distributing, and marketing companies and remain competitive in the market for a long period of time. Team work Team work is where the work is done by several employees but with focus on the same goal. Team work helps in building the relation between the employees and enabling them work together. For the success of a company, team work has to be given key consideration because it helps each other to improve the work performance of different individuals in the organization. Team work has several strengths. However, there are several challenges associated with team work. These challenges include; Unclear decision making. The authority of giving the direction to be followed by a certain team is not bestowed on a certain individual. This challenge is common leading to delayed deadlines. When working in a team, there was disruptions and misinterpretation. This lead to unattended duties leading to gaps in the team. To solve indecisive decision making, one should simplify the decision by proposing several ideas that employees can choose from and laying down the accountability strategy in the organization. To solve miscommunication, one should raise concern by asking questions for clarification of any unclear direction. One can capitalize on opportunities in team work by observing employees strengths and weaknesses and placing them according to their talents and strengths. References Albert, P. J., Werhane, P., Rolph, T. (2014). Introduction. In Global Poverty Alleviation: A Case Book (pp. 1-11). Springer Netherlands. Costa, P. L., Passos, A. M., Bakker, A. B. (2014). Team work engagement: A model of emergence. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 87(2), 414-436. Finn, R., Currie, G., Martin, G. (2010). Team work in context: institutional mediation in the public-service professional bureaucracy. Organization Studies, 31(8), 1069-1097. Kant, G., Jacks, M., Aantjes, C. (2008). Coca-cola enterprises optimizes vehicle routes for efficient product delivery. Interfaces, 38(1), 40-50. Kaplan, A. M., Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business horizons, 53(1), 59-68. Koller, T., Goedhart, M., Wessels, D. (2010). Valuation: measuring and managing the value of companies (Vol. 499). john Wiley and sons. Ladas, S. D., Kamberoglou, D., Karamanolis, G., Vlachogiannakos, J., Zouboulis?Vafiadis, I. (2013). Systematic review: Coca?Cola can effectively dissolve gastric phytobezoars as a first?line treatment. Alimentary pharmacology therapeutics, 37(2), 169-173. 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